Fun with Seoul CCTV Live

Jul 8, 2020

Using live traffic cctv data of city Seoul, I tried to project 'Time' to the '3-demensional cubic space'.

Real-time CCTV video from all over Seoul provided by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency is analyzed through the background detection of OpenCV.js to extract moving objects.
In the 3-demensional space implemented by THREE.js, an axis orthogonal to a live streaming video is set as 'Time', and extracted images are constantly translated in the opposite direction of the axis to visualize the 'Time' information from the past to the present of the moving object and fuse 'Time' with '3D Space'.

Currently, only few places have been added to the program, but there are hundreds of CCTV data that the SMPA provides, so if you have a place you would like to add, please let me know.

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Fun with Seoul CCTV Live

Fun with Seoul CCTV Live #1

Project Time to the 3D Cubic Space

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